World Television Day: Celebrating a Global Communication Medium

November, 2023

The Origin and Evolution of Television: From the Invention that Revolutionized Communication to the Present Day 

Television's roots trace back to Philo Taylor Farnsworth, a 21-year-old young inventor who designed the world's first electronic television in 1927. His vision and innovation enabled the transmission of moving images through an electron beam, paving the way for television as we know it today. 

Since its beginnings, television has evolved significantly.Initially conceived as a means of outreach and information to inform people about events and economic, social, and cultural advancements worldwide, it gradually transformed into an entertainment tool. 


November 21st: An International Commitment 

World Television Day was established as an initiative by the United Nations in recognition of the crucial role this medium plays in modern society. November 21st commemorates the first World Television Forum, held on November 21st and 22nd, 1996, where media leaders and professionals worldwide gathered to discuss the growing importance of this medium in a constantly changing world. 

Just weeks later, on December 17th of that same year, the international body, through a General Assembly, promoted the celebration of World Television Day and took November 21st as the date in recognition of the aforementioned forum, not to celebrate the object itself, but the symbol of communication and globalization in the contemporary world it represents. It was then recognized that television is an important tool for informing, channeling, and affecting public opinion, and has an undeniable presence and influence in world politics. 

World Television Day is, therefore, a day to renew the commitment of governments, organizations, and individuals to support the development of television media to provide impartial information on important topics and events affecting society. 


How to Celebrate World Television Day 

The celebration of World Television Day varies around the world, but the essence is the same: highlighting the power of television as a means of communication. 

In some countries, galas and events with red carpets are held to honor distinguished television professionals and programs. Exhibitions are also conducted, showcasing the journey and evolution of television from its inception to the present, highlighting its impact on society and the changes this medium has undergone over the years. 

Television programs often dedicate time to pay tribute to this celebration, remembering the importance of this medium in everyday life and its ability to unite people worldwide. 


The Future of Television: A Medium in Constant Transformation 

In a world where digital technology is constantly evolving and smart devices are increasingly common, television continues to hold a prominent place as a source of video consumption. The interaction between traditional and emerging forms of broadcasting offers a unique opportunity to create global awareness and continue promoting fundamental values through television. 

According to the UN, as a source of video consumption, television continues to occupy the top spot, and although digital devices are increasingly numerous, the number of households with televisions worldwide also continues to grow. 

Far from being a problem, the organization proposes that "the interaction between emerging and traditional forms of broadcasting" presents an opportunity to continue creating global awareness


In summary, World Television Day is a special occasion to reflect on the influence and importance of this medium in global society. 

Throughout its history, television has proven to be a powerful tool for informing, educating, and uniting people worldwide, and its relevance persists in today's digital era. 

As we celebrate this date, let's remember how television has contributed to our understanding of the world and promoted universal values through the screen.