Revolution in Content Viewing: VOD Platforms vs Linear TV

April, 2024

In the digital age, the way we consume television content has undergone a significant transformation. Video On Demand (VOD) television platforms have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional linear TV.

This article explores the usage and penetration of various VOD platforms and compares their key differences compared to linear TV, based on data from official sources.


Usage and Penetration of VOD Platforms:

Explosive growth: the usage of VOD platforms has experienced exponential growth in recent years. Recent data shows that more than 62% of households have access to at least one VOD platform.

Diversity of options: platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Hulu, and others have transformed the way audiences access content. Estimations show that by 2028, more than 973 million viewers worldwide will regularly use VOD platforms to meet their entertainment needs, according to data from digital TV research.

Personalized content: a distinctive feature of VOD platforms is their ability to offer highly personalized content recommendations, as VOD platforms utilize advanced algorithms to analyse viewing history and user preferences, resulting in a highly tailored viewing experience.


Key Differences between VOD and Linear TV:

Flexible schedule: unlike linear TV, where programs follow a fixed schedule, VOD platforms allow viewers to choose when and where to watch their favourite content highlighting that this flexibility is one of the primary appeals of VOD platforms.

Ad-Free vs. ad-supported: while linear TV often includes commercial advertisements, many VOD platforms offer ad-free options for an additional fee. This feature has led to an increase in the popularity of premium subscriptions on VOD platforms.

Content variety: VOD platforms typically offer a diverse and extensive library of content, spanning from original series and movies to timeless classics. In comparison, linear TV may have limitations in terms of variety and choice.


Industry Impact and the Future:

Challenges for linear TV: the rise of VOD platforms has presented significant challenges for linear TV, what made that some traditional television networks have experienced a decline in their viewership as audiences migrate towards on-demand content.

Competition among platforms: the VOD platform market is highly competitive, with different services vying for viewers' attention. This has led to considerable investment in high-quality original content to attract and retain subscribers.

In conclusion: 

The revolution in content viewing through VOD platforms has transformed the way we engage with television. Flexibility, personalization, and a wide variety of options have turned VOD platforms into an attractive alternative to linear TV.

As the industry continues to evolve, it will be intriguing to observe how these trends will ultimately impact how we consume and experience entertainment.